Author Presentation Instructions

Oral Presentations

Each paper is presented orally in a 15-minute time slot (including questions and answers). Speakers are expected to leave sufficient time for questions and answers at the end of their talks. 

Presenters should check-in with the Session Chair and upload their slide deck on the conference computer prior to their session start. All presentation rooms are equipped with a computer, a data projector, and a microphone. Presenters are asked to bring their presentation on a USB key, as well as having it available in a backup copy which can be accessible through the Internet, just in case. Presenters can also use their own laptop if necessary. If you are using a Mac computer, please ensure that you have your own HDMI converter (and whichever other cables that may be necessary).

To avoid technical problems, presenters are encouraged to have their slides either in PDF or PowerPoint format. Please make sure to embed all the fonts in the presentation file so that they are rendered properly. Be warned that movies embedded in the presentations are not guaranteed to play properly on the conference computer.

If you have any questions, please contact Julia Raabe the 2024 ROSE Conference Manager